Friday, December 10, 2010

What is truth?

"What is truth, Claudia? Do you hear it, recognize it when it is spoken?"

Two lines from one of the most controversial and important movies of all time.  I thought I would start out this blog with a series of questions that I think are important to contemplate concerning truth.

What is truth?
Is truth good?
Can truth be bad?
Is truth the same as opinion?
Is truth the same as fact?
Is truth greater than fact?
Is truth greater than opinion?
Is it important to seek truth?
Can truth be changed?
Does each person have their own truth?
Is there a universal truth?
Is truth the same as reason?
Is truth rooted in reason?
Is truth something that we should be faithful to?
Is truth something of religion?
Is truth only something of religion?
Does truth relate to politics?
Can politics implement the truth?
Should politics implement the truth?
Is truth created?
Is truth temporary?
Is truth eternal?
Does truth have to do with love?

Do you recognize it when it is spoken?
Are we capable of truth?
What does the truth look like?
Can we express the truth?
Is the truth tolerable to everyone?
Is it the truth if people don't tolerate it?
What does truth have to do with freedom?
Does truth restrict freedom?  
Does truth make you feel good?
Can truth make you feel bad?
Is truth based on emotion?
Do good people always tell the truth?
Can bad people tell the truth?
If a person says that something is true, does that make it so?
If a person denies the truth, does that make it untrue?
Is the truth convenient?
Is truth determined by popularity?
Does truth confer something on the person who has it?
Is the truth safe?
Does anyone have the truth?

If you find truth, how do you respond to it?

pax tecum


  1. A perfect corner stone in which to build this blog upon! I know that others will benefit from your insight as we do. Looking forward to what is to come...
